I was born in 1959 in Baden-Baden. I was the third of six children and thus learned quite early to share and to accept the otherness of people in my surroundings. I always had the feeling I was different. And despite my big family, I often felt lonesome. I always was looking for more attention and love. In 1988 this yearning deep in my heart took me to the Alsace to realize my dream and rebuild an idyllic cottage together with my former husband and thus to finally arrive home. I worked as a Chemistry Laboratory Assistant in the Department of Research and Development of an American chemistry enterprise’ and „researchingrdquo; was obviously my passion.
But all these experiences did not help me find the answers I was looking for. Therefore, I took it upon myself to recognize my true essence. I achieved this by reading countless spiritual books and by joining workshops.
My intuition became stronger and stronger; and I began to understand and to know where the searching wanted to lead me. Frequent painful experiences took me to inestimable knowledge, to lasting wisdom and freedom to lead my life according to my natural being.
I presume this way never ends, but it is worth it to go on, to joyously welcome EVERYTHING in life – as it leads to spiritual development and the awareness that WE are the present to ourselves. For some years I have been living on my own, still in the beautiful Alsace.
Since 2008 I have been following my heart’s desire to realize my spiritual experiences and talents while working with people in my own practice.
It is important for me to responsibly go with you in order to help you recognize you are prepared to take responsibility for yourself and your life.
Ausbildungen im Überblick
2001 und 2002
Reiki Inauguration 1st and 2nd degree by Stefan Bratzel
2004 bis 2006
Training for being Health Practitioner and Spiritual Tutor by
Stefan Bratzel und Ilona Steinert
Reiki-Master-Inauguration 3rd degree by Stefan Bratzel
Training for Aromatherapy Massage
2005 bis 2006
Training for Chakra-Energizing by Linda Vielau, Erstes Deutsches Institut für Aura- Chakra- und Energiearbeit in Augsburg, (First German Institute for Aura-
Chakra- and Energy Work in Augsburg) Courses Aura I, II, III
Light and Shadow Workshop for understanding and healing the own structure of personality. Heike Glaser, Grassau, Germany
2008 (September)
Quantum Angel Healing®-Training to become a Quantum Angel Healer,
in Zurich, Switzerland, by Eva Maria and Michael Mora
2008 (seit Dezember)
Quantum Angel Healer, registered on the website of Eva Maria Mora
2009 (April)
Mental Target Programming by Mental Coach Rainer Hatz, Germany